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Need a Strategic Plan for your Organization? We can help.
Qualifying Questions:
Indicates required field
1. Do you operate a nonprofit, charitable, or religious organization?
501 c 3 Nonprofit
Nonprofit Organization no paperwork filed
Charitable Activities no formal structure
Group offering services to community
2. Does your organization serve marginalized, under represented groups like youth in urban areas, homeless population, disabled, unemployed, or other groups at risk of acquiring a substance use disorder?
If Other please specify:
3. Do you offer or will you offer Substance Abuse Prevention activities to encourage positive coping?
Yes, mentorship, after school programs, educational activities
Yes, substance abuse prevention workshops
Yes, evidence based prevention activities
Yes, welfare to work programs
Yes, employment services
Yes, other services not listed
CPI Grant
The Community Prevention Initiative grant will pay for your strategic planning services with us. Let us know if you are interested by scheduling an appointment with us.
Book an Appointment